In August we headed home for the first time in 2 years. It was so wonderful to catch up with so many friends and family members and introduce many to Bria for the first time. Our schedule was busy with a wedding, a baptism, a visit to the shore and many parties in between, but since we normally miss out on all these festivities, it was great to be able to attend. We want to thank everyone who took the time to come see us. I think Jake summed up the trip best when he said, "Mama, I am sooooo happy." We agree, Jake!
Be forewarned, there are a lot of pictures, but we have many events to document from the trip...
To begin our adventure, the kids and I took our our first military flight to the US. Following in his Daddy's footsteps, Jake has a fascination with airplanes, and whenever we go on a plane he always says, "wow, thank you!" Bria enjoyed trying to run into the cockpit on numerous occasions. They didn't sleep, but they had a lot of fun!
We were so lucky to be in Connecticut the same time as my college roommate, Erin. The visit was too short, but it was so fun to be able to get the kids together to play. It's too bad we live so far away, Jake and Jackson make a great pair. Thanks Duds for a fun day!
Jake and Jackson |
Bria and the boys
Next was a visit from another very important Erin. Erin and I have known each other for over 20 years, and have been through many milestones together. It was so fun having her stay, and it was no surprise that Bria took an instant liking to her.
The first weekend we celebrated the wedding of another life-long friend. Bill and I grew up with the bride and the groom so the wedding was a big high school reunion. What a beautiful bride and wedding and we wish the couple a lifetime of happiness!
Erin, Becky and I hosting a party for the bride. |

Walking on the beach with Nana and Grandpa.
Morning kayak ride with Daddy and Grandpa.
"Get me off this thing!"
Sure do miss this view.
Time for a sail.
"We're sailing!"
And finally a pit stop in Oklahoma to catch a flight back. We had just enough time to see some very special people.
Jake and Wyatt- Visiting our old neighbors and good friends, the Hagues.
Bria and Ella- Ella is already a great babysitter.
Miss seeing this girl everyday, but can't wait to meet baby Harrington.
Thank you again to everyone that made our visit so special. Hopefully the memories and sunshine will sustain us through a dark and cold winter!