Thursday, July 11, 2013

Oh, to be 2.5

Last month marked a 2 year old becoming a 2 1/2 year old in the Keleher house. It's been such a fun (read: exhausting, hilarious, trying, entertaining and special) time that we had to share a little bit of life through the eyes of a toddler...

A few of my (Jake's) favorite things-
*Mommy, Daddy, Baby (still only calls her Baby) and Casey
* Trucks, tractors, trains, basically anything with wheels
*Airplanes and flying
*George (Curious, that is)
*Being silly and laughing
*Playing independently
*cleanliness and organization
*Barnoons (balloons)
*The sandbox (after going through a period of a major sand aversion)

Eh, I could do without-
- a mess (on me, near me, or on anyone else)
-Time out
-potty training

The best part has been witnessing his growing vocabulary, particularly since being immersed in more than one language. He still speaks Germlish and we are counting on him to teach mom and dad some German one of these days. Here are some of Jacob's go-to phrases (keep in mind they are said with redundancy, which might get to you if not for the adorable 2 year-old voice):

Jake's favorite word these days is NEIN, so anything you ask him he will repeat back and preface with the word. E.g "Jacob, put your shoes on," "Nein, shoes on." "Jacob, do you have poopies? "Nein poopies!" you get the idea.....
"Baby, Mess!" (said with a horrible look when Bria has made a mess)
"It's broken, kind of."
"I like fan."
"Not working mama!"
"Okay, Daddy?" when he thinks he is in trouble or that you are upset he will ask "okay?"
"Trucks, big truck, mail truck, tractor, red truck, garbage truck, trucks, trucks, trucks."

We could go on and on, there is never a dull moment. It might change tomorrow, but for the moment, he is really good about sharing with Bria and making sure she is happy, he doesn't like it when she is upset.

He keeps us laughing, and reminds us to appreciate the little things in life. We love you to the moon and back Jacob!

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