Saturday, March 21, 2015

Jacob turns 4

To Jacob on his Fourth Birthday,
          Words can't express how we feel watching you grow and becoming such a big boy. We remember the day you were born as if it was yesterday, and here you are turning 4. At the same time, when we watch how empathetic you are to others, it's hard to believe that you are actually only 4.  You are our sweet, caring, compassionate little boy and you make us proud every single day. We will never tire of your need to stop everything you are doing to tell us,"Mommy (and Daddy), Jacob loves you, " or "Mommy you are my heart!" You are the boy who wants to sing Christmas songs all year long, genuinely loves making his little sister happy, and wants to be a superhero...we hope you never lose your special spark.  We had our reservations when we threw you into German school when you didn't speak the language, but we have been so impressed at how you have handled the situation.

Happy Birthday Jacob, you are my (our) sunshine! Love, Mommy and Daddy

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